Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Feeling Stuck

I've never really been into long-winded blog posts (I suppose that's fairly obvious given my post history). To me it seems like they are just ego-patting and desperate. But, what else is a blog for I suppose.

I recently (in June) moved back home from New York. After what was the hardest four months of my life, I felt I needed the comfort of home and the distance it could afford me. And back in Flag, I absolutely felt that distance. I started working at a restaurant (something I'd never imagine doing), I cozied right back into my old bedroom, and I removed myself completely from the New York lifestyle I so desperately craved only a few six months earlier.

But I began to feel restless. Paintings go unfinished and plans remain as lofty hopes. Grad school? Yes! But I have to study so that gets pushed off. Portfolio? Yes! But that means I have to buy more canvas so that just doesn't happen. Going abroad? Absolutely! But that means learning a language and somehow saving enough money for a ghastly plane ticket. I'm lacking follow through for the first time in my life.

I had a brief 36-hour rendezvous with New York this past weekend and it reinstilled that hustle bustle that once drew me to the city. But being there also reminded me why I left. I'm still healing, and that requires time (yuck). New Yorkers are selfish and beautiful-- perhaps I no longer seek either of those so wholeheartedly.

I will get back to blogging and I will finish all of those paintings, grad school apps, learning German. And my new etsy will be up soon (Ochre and Bone).

Lonely Persimmon / Oil on Canvas / 6" x 4" / 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Adventures of Tilly

So I want to write a book about my cat Tilly. She is just a normal cat but she imagines crazy adventures for herself! Let me know what you think :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Doodle: Some Oldies I found

I always keep a little red book for me to write and doodle throughout the day. When I was looking through them all recently I found some cool doodles. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I started this blog a year ago! I can't believe it. I'm not necessarily sure how often people look at it or what kind of reach it has (besides my mom). But, it has given me a way to archive my art and incentive to create! In celebration, I'm going to post my favorite posts from each month. Enjoy! And thank you for giving me your time!

From July where I started crazily painting these watercolor bodies

September and my first oil painting

Warm New York October and a Lower East Side excursion

November brought us this puppy

I started experimenting with manual photography in the winter months

And then, in March, I started painting them

In April there was Argentina, and these mouths

In May, I left the lovely New York City

And then Arizona inspired these funky oils

Friday, June 20, 2014

Doodle: Floral Thank Yous

I decided to just make a huge batch of thank you notes to have on stock. Here they are!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Doodle: More Quick Oils-- Toe Time!

As I said before, these are just my favorite paintings to do right now. My only issue is that I need a new model! Any takers?!

And! Remember to look at all my doodles since I've had this blog :)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Doodle: New Tattoo?

I had this bizarre dream a few years ago where I got a very strange tattoo. As soon as I woke up I doodled the image and was quite pleased! After a few years of tinkering I think I am going to get this tattooed in the next few weeks!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Given that I don't always have my camera with me, I use my phone quite often to capture lovely moments. I think I'll make this a regular thing? Hmm...perhaps Instagram is a better platform.

BUT there are a ton of phone photos that I took in South America so those will be soon to come!

At a friend's art opening someone asked to take my photo for a treat. I agreed and thought nothing of it. I later went to another opening and found this. You can buy a poster of me in a dog collar.
My lovely RA staff
Spring finally appearing
The lovely window scene from my job
Getting ready to move
Potential poppy tattoo
A funky winter gem I recently found on my phone
My make-shift studio when working on this beast
Skin tone palettes are just lovely
Beatle Card
The lovely Miriam and Rene and other photos

Monday, May 5, 2014


My Insta has been on point lately (if I do say so myself). Here are some of the best. If you want to see more, you can click on that huge photo on the right :D

A tattoo design for my sister and the start of a foot painting

The x-ray of my broken foot

Beautiful wall in Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires

The Andes through a rotating restaurant

Santiago at sunset

My photos in a show

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Recap of April

April is always lovely because it is the beginning of true Spring in New York, the beginning of the end of school. This April has been exceptionally lovely because graduation is coming up (YES!), I was in South America, and then the not so lovely foot break. BUT here are the best moments from this month!

From our trip to Chile-- we were at this goofy restaurant that had a mini-garden in the back!

The beautiful Ricoletta Cemetery. I'm pretty sure this is the alley where Evita is buried. 

The sassy greeting cards I've been making. Though, this one is far less sassy.

My "Wrong" assignment went extremely well. Seventeen creepy paintings and I want to keep going!

I had another show! It was quite nice and very simple.

The lovely view from a rotating restaurant in Patagonia. Red and white look so beautiful with those mountains. Or maybe anything looks beautiful with them.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Sassy Greetings

I saw this lovely Julia Child quote about cake and just felt compelled to paint cake. I already had my oils out and I was taking a break from painting. From this random moment, I just went nuts! 

I painted fifteen little greeting card type things. All of which are sassy, all of which are dainty and nice. I want to start selling them on etsy-- I think I could make some money!
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